PIC Organise Training On Business & Economics Reporting

Karachi: A two-day training workshop on Business & Economics reporting was held at a Karachi Press Club under the Pakistan Information Center (PIC), a project by the Press Information Department (PID) of the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting.
During the two-day workshop, journalists from various newspapers, TV channels and websites of the Sindh Province were trained on ‘Business & Economics Reporting’. During the workshop, journalists were taught timely and fast Business reporting tools.
During the Training Participants also learned the difference between Business & Economics, also they learned about the country and international economics situation.
Dr: Murtaza Khuhro, the economist and lawyer, trained journalists and gave them examples to practice best business & economics reporting.
Apart from Karachi, some journalists from other cities of the province also participated in the program. The training workshop was attended by journalists of all ages, genders and religions. Reporters and journalists from leading TV channels, newspapers and websites were also part of the workshop.
Karachi Press Club (KPC) Secretary General Rizwan Bhatti was the guest speaker on the first day of the training workshop.
He said in his address that journalists should give priority to the country and the state while reporting on economy and business. He said that journalists should not give any news that has a bad impact on the country’s economy.
Later, Incharge PIC Rahim Bux also presented a flower bouquet and a Special gift to Rizwan Bhatti.
The Director of the Press Information Department (PID) was the chief guest of the training program. The training workshop was also attended by PID/ Pakistan Information C enter (PIC) Focal Person Qasim Farooq.
On the Second day of the workshop, PID Director M. Khalid Mairaj Abbasi also addressed the gathering and said that PID always has worked for the betterment of journalists and journalistic institutions and playing a role in enhancing the professionalism of journalists has been a top priority of PID.
Director M. Khalid Mairaj Abbasi said that under the PIC project, training workshops would be organized for journalists from all over the province including Karachi.
On the last day of the workshop, Fazil Jamili, President Karachi Press Club (KPC) and Digital Editor of Jang & Geo, also gave a lecture to journalists and explained the importance of Business & Economics Reporting. He also lauded PID for launching a project like PIC and hoped that it would enhance the professionalism of journalists.
He also thanked PID for selecting members of Karachi Press Club on priority basis to participate in PIC training.
On the second day of the workshop the Editor-in-Chief of Financial Daily also addressed the training program and gave tools to the journalists related to the importance of economy and business reporting.
During the workshop, PIC in-charge Rahim Bux also gave useful suggestions to the participating journalists and said that in future PIC also conducts training programs in other cities of the province.
At the end of the workshop, Director PID M. Khalid Mairaj Abbasi also presented an honorary shield to Trainer Dr: Murtaza Khuhro and also presented a flower bouquet and special gift to KPC president Fazil Jamili, while PIC in-charge Rahim Bux also presented an honorary shield to Director Sahab.
Director PID M. Khalid Mairaj Abbasi presented certificates to all the trainees, later at the end the director and PIC team took group photos with all the participants and guests.