Gender Disparity: Women File Only 6% of RTI Complaints in KP

Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Information Commission (KPIC) has recently released its annual report, shedding light on its performance and achievements. The report showcases significant data and initiatives undertaken by the commission in the past years.
Gender Disparity in RTI Complaints
The report revealed that out of the total 2256 complaints received by the KP Information Commission between 2020 and 2022, a significant majority of 2129 complaints were filed by men, while only 127 complaints were filed by women. This represents a mere 6 percent of the total complaints received by the commission. The disparity between male and female complainants raises concerns about the awareness and utilization of the RTI Act among women in the region.
Commission’s Website Updated with Complaint Tracking Feature
The website of the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Information Commission has undergone updates, now offering a complaint tracking facility. It is pertinent to mention that KP RTI Commission is having the most comprehensive website among all other information commissions. The website successfully provides the majority of information sought by the general public, setting a benchmark for others to follow in terms of transparency and information dissemination.
Video Conference System Facilitates Complaint Hearings
To enhance accessibility and convenience, the KP Information Commission has implemented a video conference system. This allows applicants and representatives of public bodies to attend complaint hearings remotely, simplifying the process and saving time and resources.
KP RTI Commission Sends 5 Million SMS to Promote RTI Awareness
In an effort to raise awareness about the RTI Act, the KP Information Commission has sent over 5 million SMS messages to the public. These messages aim to educate citizens about their rights under the act and encourage them to exercise their right to access information from public bodies.
Commission Ensures Transparency with Financial Audit Report
The annual report also highlights the transparency efforts of the KP RTI Commission. It includes the financial audit report of the commission, showcasing its commitment to upholding transparency and accountability in its own affairs.
Chief Information Commissioner Stresses Importance of Transparency
The report features a message from Chief Information Commissioner, Farah Hamid Khan, emphasizing the significance of transparency and the role of the RTI Act in empowering citizens.
She highlights the progress made in implementing the law, acknowledging that changing the culture of secrecy and promoting the RTI Act requires persistent and concrete efforts.
She expresses confidence that access to information will become a norm in the functioning of all public bodies in the province.