Current Affairs

31 Police officers tested positive for covid-19 in Islamabad

Islamabad: At least 31 police personnel have been quarantined after testing positive for Covid-19, according to the documents available with The Reporters.

The Covid-19 infected police officers and officials were deployed on the security of the Parliament House, Supreme Court of Pakistan, Prime Minister House and other high-power departments.

There is fear prevails that these covid-19 carrier officers and officials may have transferred the deadly Coronavirus to thousands of others who had communicated during their duties.

The sources said all police officers/officials are in stable condition and they have been directed to observe self-isolation at their homes.  Two lady police officers are also included among the covid-19 carriers in the Islamabad police. However, Inspector Sohail Rehman is admitted in a hospital in Peshawar.

This correspondent approached Deputy Inspector General (Operation) Waqar Uddin Syed to know what measures the police department is taking to prevent its officers and officials from covid-19 pandemic; he neither responded nor picked up the calls.

Meanwhile, four police officials, including an SP, have resumed their duties in the security division after defeating the covid-19 pandemic.

Meanwhile, at least 11 traffic police officials have also tested positive for covid-19. All the positive traffic wardens have been directed to observe quarantines at their homes.

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