RTI International Day observed in Karachi, Lahore and Peshawar
ISLAMABAD: Every year, 28th September is observed as International Day for Universal Access to Information. In connection to this day, the Sindh Information Commission in collaboration with Centre for Peace and Development Initiative held an event in a local hotel at Karachi.
Provincial Minister Saeed Ghani, Member Sindh Assembly Sharmila Farooqi, Mr. Shahid Abbas Jatoi – Information Commissioner, Sindh Information Commission, and Mukhtar Ahmed Ali, Executive Director, Centre for Peace and Development Initiatives (CpDI) graced the event.
During the event, the Coalition of Right to Information (CRTI) has also conferred RTI (Right to Information) Champion Awards to Ms. Saddia Mazhar, in journalist category, Nadeem Umer in citizens’ category and Tashfeen Ashraf, in Public Information Officer category.

Meanwhile Punjab Information Commission also held an event in Governor House, Lahore. Governor Punjab, Baleegh Ur Rahman was chief guest of the event, while large number of lawyers, journalists and civil society activists attended the event.
Mahboob Qadir – Chief Information Commissioner, Punjab Information Commission also attended the event.
The Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Information Commission too observed the day in Institute of Management Sciences (IMSciences), Peshawar. The event was attended by a large number of Public Information Officers of different Government Departments, students and media persons.

Ms. Farah Hamid Khan, Chief Information Commissioner, KPIC presided the event.
The International Day for Universal Access to Information was declared on 15 October 2019 at the 74th UN General Assembly. Initially the day was designated by the UNESCO General Conference. It was inaugurated in November 2015 and was first observed in 2016.