KP RTI Commission Orders UET Mardan to Publish Appointment Record Online

Peshawar: The Chief Information Commissioner (CIC) of the KP Information Commission (KPIC), Mrs. Farah Hamid Khan, has expressed deep concern over the failure of cetain provincial departments to adhere to the provisions of the Right to Information Act.
In response to a complaint no. 9594 filed by Mr. Shaheer Durrani, a resident of District Peshawar, Mrs. Farah Hamid Khan conducted a hearing on the matter at the Commission office.
Mr. Durrani lodged a complaint under Section 23 (1) of the RTI Act 2013 against the University of Engineering & Technology Mardan (UETM), where he sought information regarding the appointment details of the Additional Registrar from the PIO/Deputy Registrar Establishment, Mr. Ishaq Khan, and Mr. Kamran, Law Officer of UET Mardan.
The CIC has directed the PIO/Registrar of UET Mardan to proactively disclose all 12 categories of information mandated by Section 5 of the KP RTI Act 2013 on the official website of the University. This step aims to facilitate merit-based appointments and enhance public trust in government institutions.
In another case, complaint no. 9975 filed by Dr. Khalid Khan against the KP Information Technology Board was adjudicated by the CIC. Dr. Khan had requested attested copies of the amended KP IT Act, amended Service Rules, and details of foreign and domestic visits by employees of the KP IT Board.
The CIC expressed concern over the non-compliance of Section 5 of the KP RTI Act, which mandates the proactive disclosure of information. The CIC directed the PIO/Deputy Director of Finance at the KP IT Board, Mr. Yasir Shafique, to provide the relevant documents to the complainant within the stipulated time. This action is intended to fulfill the objective of transparency in the province.
The Commission remains strongly committed to enabling citizens’ access to information of public importance and aiding in the establishment of effective, accountable, and inclusive institutions at all levels.