Joy opens a window of opportunities for youth

JCRD Builders’ founder, Joy Christopher Dulay, is renowned for his dedication to creating platforms for young people. His company has a hand in modernizing the nation’s infrastructure and shaping skylines. Joy understands, nevertheless, that the true essence of spectacular constructions lies not in bricks and cement, but in the sweat and blood of people. Joy, who is a believer in the ideology that hard work paves the way to infinite possibilities, is exploring more avenues of opportunities for youth.
For this, Joy started discussions with several organizations to solve the rising unemployment rate among the coming generation with post-secondary degrees. Joy’s goal is to establish partnerships that would guarantee skilled jobs in the construction field for those who are enrolled in technical vocational courses equipped with practical knowledge.
A meeting between Joy and Vidal D. Villanueva III, Deputy Director General for Special Concerns at TESDA became the front-page news as reported by the local media. TESDA occupies a distinguished place in the Philippine educational system for offering national certificates to trainees proven to be exceptionally knowledgeable and skilled in their subjects.
Recognized for its dedication to excellence and innovation, JCRD Builders mentioned that they view this as a means of addressing the needs of the global workforce by giving TESDA graduates jobs. Not to forget, TESDA’s notion of “manpower, education and, training” is in line with his objective.
What is the pertinence of such a partnership? The countries’ enterprise surveys evaluation of the employment index calculated an indiscernible rise in unemployment among those with tertiary education degrees. This trend underscores the pressing need for workers with higher levels of technical expertise and not just educational degrees.
With the ongoing conversations between Joy Christopher Dulay and Vidal D Villanueva III, there’s hope that this partnership will bring about a time when the gap between education and industry requirements will be minimized and technical vocational training will be viewed as the best path to long-term employment.