Has Pakistan’s Education System Failed?

The world is focusing on Education Modules to make it one of the speedy, useful and powerful tools for changing the socieo economic, political and social background with in the frame of science and technology. The modern concepts, technologies in the field of education with innovative approaches had changed the technological basis even.
Just imagine research and exposure are the primary and basic elements required for the development of nation. However, the Education experts, policy makers and rulers shall be on one page to follow the international standard’s to put the country on right path. It is also clear that nations and countries with less interest in scientific education and having orthodox opinion shall be subjugated to modern slavery and debt with in the circle of IMF and World Bank forever.
The world leader NELSON MANDELA said, once that education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world. While Elin Nordegren says that Education is thing no one can take away from you because it builds your capacity , enlighten your memories and prepare you for life. One philosophers says that Education breeds confidence, confidence breeds hope, hope breeds peace.
In fact Education is best key of success for all the people and communities. It is time to review our policies and programmes which can prompt education system of Pakistan while competing with the world.it is not only individual prosperity to be maintained with education but as nation development binder.
Those countries having 100% education is leading the world in science and technology, while more revelations and innovations has further cemented the values, culture and civilization as well. It is a time for the policy makers to compare and analyses the prevailing situation of education and evaluate it accordingly. This is perhaps the last moment and options for our leaders and policy makers to identify the gaps and develop mechanism for making it strong and sustainable.
The system of education is extremely deplorable in our country. We are far behind from the targets set by sustainable development Goals (SDGS) of United Nation Organization as well as from the international standards to be followed world wide. Unfortunately our government is not serious to follow the best practices in the world education system as well as to follow the learning experiences and exposure at the end.
Still Finland is on the top of Education ranking in the world. Amongst 195, countries of the world the strongest position of Finland have raised many questions to be labeled against our system of education to be vitalized and overhauled. After Finland Japan has scored second position in the world ranking system and South Korea has achieved third position .
To make education system dynamic ,purposeful and meaningful the world in general and these three advanced countries in particular introduces technical education to empower the communities and coup the future challenges The Elementary schools could be found in abundance in these few countries. The change in morphology and basic core in education means they have developed mechanism to close it to the reality or real life happenings.
The Singapore school of vocational institute has designed a curriculum where the students spent 20% in class and 80% in workshops to join it practically. The most busy field is no doubt IT. Most of the advanced countries in the world had started technical education three decades ago i.e diplomas in hotel management ,Health and Tourism.
It is unfortunate that Pakistan could not secure place even in 1000 universities of the world. On international ranking still the American university named MIT is on the top, Stafford university is on second number .Harvard university is on no three ,California university is on 4th number, Oxford is on 5th,Cambridge is on 6th,ETH is on 7th,Emperial College of London is on 8th,ShiGako university is on 9th and university College of London is on 10th number.
It is extremely unfortunate that the oldest university of Karachi could not found space in 1000 universities of the world. Just imagine in Asia the Singapore University is on the top, University of Hong Kong is on 2nd,Nayan technology of Singapore is on 3rd and Tasngwa university of China is on 4th position. Where do we stand actually we are in the bottom.
There could be many indicators to follow the International Standards of education usually called Ranking amongst the international universities. This we can see from other perspectives as most of youngest prefer to go to European Countries especially, Austriala ,Canada, USA and even to the Asian Countries like Japan and China.
From tip to top our education system has failed to deliver for the development of communities or to compete with the world standards of education. No university at all has been included in the world ranking system? From some government and private universities vulgarity, drugs smuggling and dancing had reported. It is time to revive our policy and make education a tool of change.