Current Affairs

Imran Khan inaugurates Covid-19 Telehealth Portal in Islamabad

Prime Minister Imran Khan inaugurated Covid-19 Telehealth Portal in Islamabad today.

Speaking on the occasion, he expressed confidence that whole nation will work together to confront the threat posed by Covid-19.

The Prime Minister said we have to live with this virus for some time until a vaccine is developed. He said even advanced countries with much more resources are unable to cope with the situation.

In this context, we are facing a bigger challenge as in past not adequate investments were made in Pakistan in the health sector. However, the Prime Minister was of the view that Covid-19 situation is not so bad in Pakistan as compared with other countries.

Imran Khan said it is very important to register doctors, and especially lady doctors, to render their services through health portal.

He said in Corona Relief Tiger Force, a large number of health professionals are also registered on voluntary basis to play their role.

The Prime Minister said doctor to people ratio that is less in the country could be improved through this initiative. He said it is hoped that volunteers registered with the service will play effective role in far flung areas of the country.

Prime Minister congratulated the team of Digital Pakistan for realization of the project at a very critical time.

Earlier, Special Assistant to Prime Minister on Digital Pakistan Tania Adrus gave detailed briefing to the Prime Minister on Telehealth Portal. She said citizens can contact any doctor through this free service.

Special Assistant on Health Dr. Zafar Mirza said a safe environment will be provided to doctors and patients through this gateway. He said citizens can also ask questions and seek guidance from medical experts through this portal.

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