Current Affairs

Nadeem Afzal Chan rejoins PPP tomorrow

Former adviser to Prime Minister Imran Khan, Nadeem Afzal Chan, will rejoin Pakistan Peoples Party after meeting Bilawal Bhutto Zardari on Sunday.
Media reports say that PPP Chairman Bilawal Bhutto Zardari will visit to Afzal Chan residence when his caravan (Awami March) will reach Lahore.

Bilawal will have breakfast with Chan Tomorrow at his residence in Lahore.

Chan had joined Pakistan Tahreek e Insaf in April 2018. Later, he was appointed as special assistance to Prime Minister, however, he resigned last year after he criticised his own governement for not visiting to victims of Hazara community who had staged sit-in against suicide bombing that killed several innocents.
Earlier he remained PPP Punjab Chapter’s General Secretary.

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